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[1] 优质益生菌菌株资源分离筛选及益生功效评估;

[2] 后生元在食品贮藏过程中抑菌防腐的开发与应用;

[3] 食源性致病菌抗生素耐受机制与毒力水平关联性;

[4] 发酵食品生产加工技术及风味物质形成机理。


[1] Danliangmin Song, Jingqi Cheng, Kai Dong, Shiyu Liu, Chaoxin Man, Shiqian Fu, Xinyan Yang, Qianyu Zhao*, Yujun Jiang*. Based on TLR4-NLRP3-IL-1β inflammatory pathway: Comparison of necrotizing enterocolitis induced by different classes of antibiotic-induced Cronobacter sakazakii. Food Bioscience, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2024.105114. (一区TOP)

[2] Danliangmin Song, Shiyu Liu, Kai Dong, Chaoxin Man, Shiqian Fu, Yujun Jiang, Xinyan Yang*, Bo Qu*. Recent advances in detection of food adulteration using MALDI-TOF MS: A review. Food Chemistry, doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.140070. (一区TOP)

[3] Danliangmin Song, Ai Jia, Biqi Liu, Shiyu Liu, Kai Dong, Chaoxin Man, Xinyan Yang*, Yujun Jiang*. Whole transcriptome analysis after acquisition antibiotic tolerance of Cronobacter sakazakii: mechanisms of antibiotic tolerance formation and virulence changes. Food Research International, 174, 113664. doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2023.113664.(一区TOP)

[4] Danliangmin Song, Ai Jia, Xuehe Qi, Kai Dong, Shiyu Liu, Chaoxin Man, Xinyan Yang*, Yujun Jiang*. Co-culture of Cronobacter sakazakii and Staphylococcus aureus: Explore the influence of mixed biofilm formation and regulation of Cronobacter sakazakii biofilm formation genes. Food Research International, 173, 113457. doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2023.113457.(一区TOP)

[5] Danliangmin Song, Xuehe Qi, Yan Huang, Ai Jia, Yaqi Liang, Chaoxin Man, Xinyan Yang*, Yujun Jiang*. Comparative proteomics reveals the antibiotic resistance and virulence of Cronobacter isolated from powdered infant formula and its processing environment. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 407, 110374. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2023.110374.(一区TOP)

[6] Danliangmin Song, Qunchao Su, Ai Jia, Shiqian Fu, Xiaoming Ma, Tiantian Li, Chaoxin Man, Xinyan Yang*, Yujun Jiang*. A Method to Directly Identify Cronobacter sakazakii in Liquid Medium by MALDI-TOF MS. Foods, 12, 1981. doi.org/10.3390/foods12101981 (二区)

[7] 宋丹靓敏,陈晴,周梦瑶,等.MALDI-TOF MS与16S rDNA方法对乳酸菌鉴定分析比较[J]. 中国乳品工业, 2021, 49(10): 4-7+53.

[8] 宋丹靓敏,么宏伟,曾伟民,等.响应面法优化超声微波联用辅助提取黑木耳黑色素工艺[J]. 食品工业科技, 2021, 42(07):162-170.

[9] 宋丹靓敏,雷虹.四种盐对黑木耳菌株生长及黑色素产量的影响[J]. 食用菌学报, 2019, 26(04): 84-89.

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